6 Good Reasons Not To Feed Your Tweets To Facebook and LinkedIn

Girl shouting through a megaphone at a brick wall

It’s come to my attention over the last few months that more and more people are merging their tweets with their Facebook and LinkedIn status updates.

I’ve also noticed that sometimes my Facebook and LinkedIn news streams are totally clogged with meaningless tweets that have no relevance to me whatsoever.

So I thought I’d put together a few reasons why, as busy as you are, you shouldn’t feed every single tweet to other social and business networking websites.

1.    Absence doesn’t always make the heart grow fonder

When a tweet’s been fed into my news stream, I know that the person who’s written it hasn’t written it from the website I’m using. It feels impersonal and can convey a lack of interest in what their Facebook or LinkedIn contacts are up to.

2.    Twitter has its own language

Twitter is the only social networking site that has its own language to either tag a subject (#), reply to a tweet (@), or retweet (RT@).

These make absolutely no sense on other platforms (although Facebook now has a tagging feature that uses @) and can make your update look as though you're speaking in tongues.

3.    The scrolling and frequency factor

This mainly applies to LinkedIn in my case. Several of my contacts appear to be feeding every single of their tweets to LinkedIn. Bearing in mind that some people might tweet 20 or 30 times a day, this equals a heck of a lot of RSI-inducing scrolling to find even one update that might interest me.

And speaking of interest…

4.    Why did I need to know that?

Facebook is generally for your friends to keep up with what you’ve been up to, or for businesses to promote themselves. Therefore the fact that you’ve replied to a hilarious tweet (@DippyGirl imao and rofl!!) won’t really have any relevance whatsoever.

LinkedIn is for business people to share their knowledge, help each other and network. The fact that the roast chicken you cooked with your nearest and dearest last Sunday was delicious really doesn’t matter (Just ate a fantastic roast cooked by @HilaryB. Chicken rocks!)

5.    The walls have ears

Can you remember every single person you’re friends with on Facebook or connected to on LinkedIn? If not, be very careful that you check your tweets before feeding them to the other sites. If your boss is connected to you on LinkedIn he/she probably won’t appreciate knowing that you’ve just pulled a sickie and sounded realistically croaky on the phone!

6.    It’s not the size that counts it’s what you do with it

With an extremely restrictive 140 character limit on Twitter and a more generous 420 characters for Facebook status updates, it would make sense to post to these two websites separately.

You can be far more personal and descriptive on Facebook, so why not make the most of your update?

If you still feel the need to merge your tweets with other social and business networking sites, please remember to be selective with them!