Are You Listening To Your Recharge Alarm? Two Secrets To A Productive Day

Are You Listening To Your Recharge Alarm? Two Secrets To A Productive Day

If those afternoon slumps are all too frequent, tired vibes are rudely interrupting your day, or the overwhelming sleepy feeling by 11am is simply annoying, read on; this blog post is just for you!

I get it. I‘ve been there. You’re on a roll, getting through your to-do list happily, then 3pm hits! Boom! brain fog takes over, nothing is getting done now.

There are 2 secrets I want to share with you that will help you.

But first, let me introduce myself. My name is Anna and I specialise in helping people who have stuff they need to get done in the world, unlock the energy they need to do it. I jumped at the opportunity to write a guest post for Manage My Website readers as I know you’ve all got a ton of stuff you need to get done.

I’m an Integrative Health Coach, EFT practitioner and quite simply the most energy obsessed human you’ll meet.

Energy is everything after all!

It’s the gauge of our health and happiness.

When we learn to unlock stable consistent natural energy we can achieve anything we set our mind to. When energy levels are low, when those fluctuations are like a roller coaster, sometimes getting the basics done in life seems like an uphill struggle.

So let me share with you a little of what I know.

Firstly, you have a recharge alarm!

You have an internal recharge alarm just like your mobile phone.png

Yep you read it right. You have an internal recharge alarm just like your mobile phone. That bleeping noise your phone makes when the battery life is running out, or that little battery icon that flashes red when you need to plug in the charger.

You have an equivalent alarm. Of course, it manifests in a different way for everyone, but it’s indicating the same thing. You need to recharge.

Would you expect your phone to do its job once the battery has died? Nope I’m guessing not. So it doesn’t make sense to expect your mind and body to keep going when your energy levels are zapped right?

So just as with your phone or laptop, once you know the battery life is dropping low, what do you do? You find the charger and go plug it in, sometimes just for 10 mins to get enough juice to finish whatever you need to finish.

Your mind and body work in exactly the same way. 

For some people, their recharge alarm manifests in tension somewhere in the body. You may start to feel annoyed or frustrated. You start craving sugary food or drinks. You get a twitch in your eye. Your mind is in overwhelm, focused on lack of time. A sudden drop or increase in temperature. Your breathing is short and shallow. 

Often we know instinctively. Once you feel that sensation it’s time to find your charger. 

I’m not talking about coffee or energy drinks either! 


Because stimulants, despite solving the issue in the moment, lead to a whole host of other health issues later on down the line. The truth is stimulants don’t give you energy. You have all the energy you need within, once you learn to unlock it. Stimulants just trick your brain, they alter your brain chemistry and hormones so you feel like you have more energy. So, with this in mind, doesn’t it feel better for your health and kinder to your body to unlock what’s already there? 

I’m not saying never drink coffee, I’m a big believer in a little of what you fancy does you good, the key is to make it a treat, not something that you rely on to get you through the day.

It may take you a little time to find what your recharge technique is, or you may already know instinctively. My advice is to get curious and find the healthy habits that work for you. 

My 5 favourite recharge habits are:

Drink water  

The human body is 65% water so when we’re dehydrated our body simply isn't operating at its optimum

The human body is 65% water so when we’re dehydrated our body simply isn't operating at its optimum. The vital nutrients and oxygen aren’t flowing to our cells; sometimes when we get that energy slump we simply need to hydrate. 

Breathe deep

Most of the time we don’t take notice of the way we’re breathing. Because it’s part of the autonomic system we don’t have to consciously think about it. When you do take notice, especially when you’re feeling tired, you may notice your breath is shallow. Shallow breathing means the vital life force that is our breath is being restricted, oxygen and nutrients aren’t being carried efficiently to our brain and other vital organs. Taking some deep breaths can be just the thing you need for an instant energy boost.

Go for a walk

Getting outdoors is transformational, and when you combine that with physically moving it can really give you that wake up call you need. Stress often plays a part in energy slumps so by removing yourself from your environment and getting outdoors this will refocus you.  Combine this with some inspirational or relaxing audio. Stick your earphones in and get moving, it’ll take your attention away from the thoughts that are causing you stress. 

Dance break

Turn up those uplifting tunes and get moving

This is one of my favorites. Admittedly not one you can use any place or anytime but if you’re a music lover and you can, it’s a sure-fire way to recharge. Turn up those uplifting tunes and get moving, It’ll shake up your energy, clear those energy blocks, and best of all its a ton of fun. 

Afternoon Nap

It’s not lazy! It’s natural! I’m a total advocate for an afternoon nap as a recharge. The ideal nap time will differ from person to person, but essentially human being’s natural rhythms are designed to take a short rest during the day. Try to keep it to 20 mins or less to prevent falling into a deep sleep and waking up groggy. A short nap, for some people, can totally revitalise those energy levels. 

And secondly!

As human beings, we’re naturally designed to experience ebbs and flows of energy. It’s totally normal to experience dips. Expecting to operate with level 10 energy all of your waking time is simply not natural. But modern society encourages it. Through the use of stimulants like coffee, sugar, energy drinks we can keep going even when our body is telling us we need a break. This approach may meet needs in the short term but over the long term will take a toll on your body.

So one secret to living a productive lifestyle is to know and respect your own personal ebbs and flows. There are a number of things that create these peaks and troughs in our energy levels: our own circadian rhythm, the moon cycle, the seasonal rhythms.

there are certain times of the day, week or month where you feel alive and energised

Daily, weekly, and monthly natural rhythms are normal, they are healthy. If you take time to reflect, you’ll probably know instinctively there are certain times of the day, week or month where you feel alive and energised, and there are times you want to put your feet up and do nothing more taxing than watching your favourite TV show. One really great way of creating a more productive lifestyle is to plan your time, so that you’re not expecting yourself to complete concentration-based tasks at 3pm in the afternoon when your energy is ebbing, or to book in that important meeting straight after lunch, or arrange to do a HIT class at that time of the month when you’re body just needs to rest. 

Remember one hour of energised, focused work is worth three hours of work done on half battery life. When it comes to productivity it’s not the amount of time that counts, it’s the quality of your energy during the time that matters.

The more attuned you are to these natural rhythms and cycles, and the more you understand how they affect you personally, the better you can harness your energy and utilise the momentum to live life your way.   

To find out more, check out my blog “Are you in tune with your natural rhythm”.

So there you have it. My 2 secrets to a more productive day.

Respect your ebbs and flows and take notice of your recharge alarm. 

Remember everyone is different so get curious and find what works for you, we’re all unique after all.

If you’d like to learn more about shaking off the tired vibes, I’ve created a free guide, grab your copy here.

Anne Bain

Our client, Anna Bain, founded Lifesyle Rebelz from her passion for healthy living and empowering others to make positive changes in their lives. She’s an Integrative Health Coach, EFT Practitioner and energy obsessed human.